hyojung: Thanks for all! jisung: Thanks for coming
hyekyong: Thanks for coffee-time
This is a long distance dialogue by hyojung in Daegu, hyekyong in Yeongju and jisung in Ambilly/Geneva
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
ji : snowbound
Libellés :
daily photo,
Pays/territoire :
Les Grands Vans, 74300 Arâches-la-Frasse, France
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Monday, December 4, 2017
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Ji: open studio_js
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누군가 이불(담요) 안에서 고요히 잠자고 있는 듯하다. 깨우지 않으려 조용히 층계단을 지나가야겠다. someone seems to be sleeping silently in the blanket, i'm going to walk the stairs quietly so i don't wake him up. |
Libellés :
daily photo,
open album,
open studio
Thursday, November 16, 2017
hye: open studio_hk
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A woman wearing a scarf sits down and looks out the window. (Hyekyong's order) 목도리를 두른 여인이 앉아서 창밖을 보고 있다. |
Libellés :
daily photo,
open album,
open studio
Monday, November 13, 2017
hyo: open studio_hj
Libellés :
daily photo,
open album,
open studio
Pays/territoire :
대한민국 경상북도 영천시
Friday, October 27, 2017
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
hye:open studio_hk
혜경의 주문
의자 위로 물건들을 모두 쌓아서 되도록 숫자 1처럼 보이게 해 주세요
라는 효정의 주문에 더해서 코끼리 인형을 담요로 덮고 숫자 0처럼 보이게 합니다.
an order from Hyekyong
In addition to the order from Hyojung, put elephant doll in blanket and make it look like zero.
의자 위로 물건들을 모두 쌓아서 되도록 숫자 1처럼 보이게 해 주세요
라는 효정의 주문에 더해서 코끼리 인형을 담요로 덮고 숫자 0처럼 보이게 합니다.
an order from Hyekyong
In addition to the order from Hyojung, put elephant doll in blanket and make it look like zero.
Libellés :
open album,
open studio
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
hye:open studio_hk
의자 위로 물건들을 모두 쌓아서 되도록 숫자 1처럼 보이게 해주세요
an order from Hyojung
pile up all the stuff on the chair and make it look like a number 1.
Libellés :
open album,
open studio
Sunday, October 22, 2017
ji: open studio series
Libellés :
daily photo,
open album,
open studio
Pays/territoire :
Rue de la Truite 4, 1205 Genève, Suisse
Saturday, October 21, 2017
hye : open studio series
혜경의 주문
연두색 솔을 들어 의자의 먼지를 털어낸다
다리를 꼬고 그 의자에 앉는다
An order from Hyekyong
Brush off the dust from the chair by lifting the green brush.
Sit cross-legged on the chair.
Libellés :
daily photo,
open album,
open studio
Pays/territoire :
Rue de la Truite 4, 1205 Genève, Suisse
Thursday, October 19, 2017
hyo: open studio series
효정의 주문
한 손에 유리잔을 들고 다른 손은 얼굴을 문지르며 5초 동안 오늘은 누가 올까 생각한다.
An order from Hyojung
Hoding a glass in one hand, rubbing off on the face with the other hand.
Thinking about who would come today for 5 seconds.
Libellés :
open album,
open studio
Pays/territoire :
Rue de la Truite 4, 1205 Genève, Suisse
Friday, October 13, 2017
ji : open studio series
Libellés :
daily photo,
open album,
open studio
Pays/territoire :
Rue de la Truite 4, 1205 Genève, Suisse
Thursday, October 12, 2017
hye : open studio series
혜경의 주문
1.화면중앙에 화분을 놓는다
2.나는 무릎을 세우고 화분에 등을 기대고 앉는다
3.빈 화면
An order from Hyekyong
Place the pot in the middle of the screen.
I put my knee up and lean against the pot.
An empty screen.
Libellés :
open studio
Pays/territoire :
Rue de la Truite 4, 1205 Genève, Suisse
Sunday, October 8, 2017
hyo : open studio series
효정의 주문
바닥에 오른팔을 접어 머리를 받치고 모로 눕는다
두 무릎은 붙이고 살짝 접는다
왼팔은 바닥에 힘없이 축 늘어져있다
이 자세를 취하고 원하는 각도에서 찍는다
An order from Hyojung
Put your right arm on the floor and lie down on your head.
Put both knees together and fold slightly.
The left arm goes limp on the floor.
Take this posture and take it at your desired angle.
Libellés :
open studio
Pays/territoire :
Rue de la Truite 4, 1205 Genève, Suisse
Friday, October 6, 2017
Open Album - Long distance dialogue
Open Album - Long distance dialogue
Hyun jisung, Jung hyojung, Yun hyekyong
06 - 22 octobre 2017
du mercredi au dimanche 14h - 19h
*Un work in progress aura lieu dès l’ouverture de l’exposition, en présence des artistes.
Libellés :
open album,
open studio
Pays/territoire :
Avenue de la Jonction 19, 1205 Genève, Suisse
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Le 5 oct. 2017 Ldd - Open Album
Libellés :
open studio
Pays/territoire :
Rue de la Truite 4, 1205 Genève, Suisse
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Ldd's biography
Long distance dialogue
Hyun jisung / hyunjisung@gmail.com
Jung hyojung / hyojung5925@gmail.com
Yun hyekyong / hyekyong.yun@gmail.com
Me and my art work, Sim Gallery, Hafnarstraeti 16, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland - artist talk
Rencontre avec Hyun Jisung : Long distance Project, Librairie de l'île, Geneva, Switzerland - event show
Image and melody, art project with Juliet Fang, Pin hui chen
Hyun jisung / hyunjisung@gmail.com
Jung hyojung / hyojung5925@gmail.com
Yun hyekyong / hyekyong.yun@gmail.com
Me and my art work, Sim Gallery, Hafnarstraeti 16, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland - artist talk
Rencontre avec Hyun Jisung : Long distance Project, Librairie de l'île, Geneva, Switzerland - event show
Image and melody, art project with Juliet Fang, Pin hui chen
Open Album - Long distance dialogue, Espace Cheminée Nord, Geneva, Switzerland - solo show
Long distance dialogue, Hello Indie books, Seoul, South Korea - solo show
I have something to tell you, L-Sud, Usine Kugler, Geneva, Switzerland
O [WɅN] BOOK PROJECT, a world tour of the croquis book with 20 participants - project
The Middle Way, the Korea-Breizh association, Maison Internationale de Rennes, Rennes, France - groupe show
same, different - long distance dialogue, Centre Cuturel Coréen, Paris, France - solo show
Long distance dialogue, Park Gyong-Li Toji Culture Center, Wonju, South Korea - solo show
Open Album - Long distance dialogue, Espace Cheminée Nord, Geneva, Switzerland - solo show
Long distance dialogue, Hello Indie books, Seoul, South Korea - solo show
I have something to tell you, L-Sud, Usine Kugler, Geneva, Switzerland
O [WɅN] BOOK PROJECT, a world tour of the croquis book with 20 participants - project
The Middle Way, the Korea-Breizh association, Maison Internationale de Rennes, Rennes, France - groupe show
same, different - long distance dialogue, Centre Cuturel Coréen, Paris, France - solo show
Long distance dialogue, Stone&Water / Yusung Gallery, Anyang, South Korea - solo show
"Artist Market" (organized by Arts Council Korea), Marronnier Park, Seoul, South Korea - art market
"Black Market" Festival (organized by Stone & Water), Anyang, South Korea - art market
2012 "Black Market" Festival (organized by Stone & Water), Anyang, South Korea - art market
Long distance dialogue, Park Gyong-Li Toji Culture Center, Wonju, South Korea - solo show
"Long Distance Dialogue III", 2015, edited by Ldd
"Long Distance Dialogue II", 2014, edited by Ldd
"Long Distance Dialogue", 2012, edited by Ldd
Chun Sang-A, "same, different - Long distance dialogue", Parisjisung, Nov. 2015 – http://tinyurl.com/jyus3y9
Kim Min-ho, " An unusual exhibition, Long distance dialogue", Wonjutoday, Nov. 2012 - http://tinyurl.com/gsr2ya7
Thomas Jean, "Triple intimité", same, different - Long distance dialogue, Nov. 2015
Whit Altier, "Long Distance Dialogue" [b]racket Magazine, no.24, Dec. 2014 - http://tinyurl.com/h8p436s
2016 Selected as a fund for overseas activities of Daegu Cultural Foundation
2015 Selected as a notable young artiste by the Korean Cultural Center in France
"Long Distance Dialogue III", 2015, edited by Ldd
"Long Distance Dialogue II", 2014, edited by Ldd
"Long Distance Dialogue", 2012, edited by Ldd
Chun Sang-A, "same, different - Long distance dialogue", Parisjisung, Nov. 2015 – http://tinyurl.com/jyus3y9
Kim Min-ho, " An unusual exhibition, Long distance dialogue", Wonjutoday, Nov. 2012 - http://tinyurl.com/gsr2ya7
Thomas Jean, "Triple intimité", same, different - Long distance dialogue, Nov. 2015
Whit Altier, "Long Distance Dialogue" [b]racket Magazine, no.24, Dec. 2014 - http://tinyurl.com/h8p436s
2016 Selected as a fund for overseas activities of Daegu Cultural Foundation
2015 Selected as a notable young artiste by the Korean Cultural Center in France
Libellés :
Monday, September 18, 2017
hye:night thought
When you fall asleep, I wake up.
I look up the sky and there' s moon.
I can' t sleep until sun goes up.
Libellés :
daily photo,
Friday, September 1, 2017
Monday, August 28, 2017
ji: 캠프 파이어
우리는 장작불 주변에 둘러앉았다.
김대장은 촛불이 담긴 상자를 가져와 우리 뒷편으로
걸으며 촛불을 하나씩 나누어 주었다.
촛불을 받아든 우리는 장작불에 가져다 불을 켰다.
그곳은 너무도 고요해서 장작불 타는 소리와
가끔씩 모래 자갈위를 스치는 신발소리만이 들릴 뿐이었다.
그러던 중에 저 멀리서 '하비'의 소리가 들려왔다.
우리는 조금씩 무서운 마음이 들기 시작했다.
우리는 더욱 숨을 죽이고 간절한 마음으로 눈앞에 놓인 장작불을 바라보았다.
Nous étions assis autour du feu.
Mr.Kim a apporté une boîte de bougies et il a donné à chacun-e une bougie en marchant
autour de nous.
Nous l'avons apporté au près feu puis l'allumé.
C'était très silencieux, on n'entendait que le bruit de feu et nos chaussures qui frottent
de temps en temps sur le gravier sablonneux.
Pendant ce temps-là, on entendait "Ravie" de loin.
Nous avons commencé à nous effrayer peu à peu.
Nous avons retenu notre souffle et regardé le feu.
We were sitting around the fire.
Mr.Kim brought a box of candles and he gave everyone a candle by walking around us
We brought it to near fire then lit it
It was very silent, we could only hear the sound of fire and our shoes rubbing from time to time on the sandy gravel.
Meanwhile, "Ravie" was heard from afar.
We began to frighten us little by little.
We held our breath and watched the fire.
Mr.Kim a apporté une boîte de bougies et il a donné à chacun-e une bougie en marchant
autour de nous.
Nous l'avons apporté au près feu puis l'allumé.
C'était très silencieux, on n'entendait que le bruit de feu et nos chaussures qui frottent
de temps en temps sur le gravier sablonneux.
Pendant ce temps-là, on entendait "Ravie" de loin.
Nous avons commencé à nous effrayer peu à peu.
Nous avons retenu notre souffle et regardé le feu.
We were sitting around the fire.
Mr.Kim brought a box of candles and he gave everyone a candle by walking around us
We brought it to near fire then lit it
It was very silent, we could only hear the sound of fire and our shoes rubbing from time to time on the sandy gravel.
Meanwhile, "Ravie" was heard from afar.
We began to frighten us little by little.
We held our breath and watched the fire.
Libellés :
daily photo,
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Friday, August 11, 2017
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